• 傳承/Vírgula
    Vírgula 代表西班牙統治墨西哥時代前之傳承符號,也是墨西哥文化的根源,我們相信大地之母是了解生命的關鍵。Vírgula以雕塑表現中美洲中部的語言風格,以此符號代表聲音,蛻變為在地面爬行的蛇冉冉上升至自然景觀裡。
    Vírgula 在美學上歌詠我民族文化的發展,同時也是古老文化的能指 (signifier)與所指(signified)容器與內容物、真實與古老文明的虛構,不僅看得見、聽得到、聞得到也摸得著,包容各種感官印象於空間與時間裡。
    Statement of Creative Concept
    Vírgula represents the symbolic heritage of the Mexican pre-Hispanic worldview where my roots are fed, those in which Mother Earth is critical to understanding life, because we are part of it. Vírgula is the sculptural representation of the act of speech in the Mesoamerican world, the drawn sign signifies voice, and transforms into a snake that emerges from the ground and up the landscape.
    Vírgula represents the semiotic legibility of the landscape, a set of symbols that speak of the culture of our past, our present and perhaps also our future. The landscape is cultural projection of a society and that is something alive, dynamic, continuously collective transformation. And this transformation shows not only in terms of its material dimension, but also its spiritual and symbolic dimension.
    Vírgula aesthetically recites the terrestrial scene mediated by my culture. It is at the same time signifier and signified, container and contents, reality and fiction of an ancient civilization. It may not only be visible, but also be heard, smelled, touched; many sensory impressions loaded all spatial and temporal content.