
    只有上半身的人,臉部呈現似陶醉似痛苦的面容,身體的部分連接了翻轉的 意象城市,即將被消融的感覺,但消逝的是自己還是城市?拉長的手臂垂至底下,形成一個穿透性的、想像的空間,可看見另一邊的景象,與環境相呼應,而景象正在被消蝕著?

    Have only the upper part of human, his face makes a show of infatuated or painful features, the body connected with a overturning imagery city ,which demonstrates the fading. But is it dissipating himself or the city? The elongated arms which hanging down forms a penetrative and imaginative space that allows us to see the scene of the other side.  It respond with the environment which is also vanishing.
     We may have been wearing down by the city and the environment as we dominating it . Surrounded by the complexed atmosphere, some intoxicates, some paralysed, and some just categorically accept the situation.

