
    對樹情有獨鍾,尤其是風情萬種的樹,像是白樺,白楊,金柳,垂櫻,愛染桂...我很享受隔窗遠看在風中招搖飄絮的柳絲,在風中送別最後繽紛而逝的櫻雨,藏身在柔情心葉斑爛如霞的愛染桂樹帳裡....但我真正最懷念的是在當年已白髮銀絲的母親身旁聽她才學唱的日文<千風之歌>....我覺得母愛如樹,永遠的愛之樹...慈愛的母親已如千風遠去也遠了,長留心中的是永遠迴盪的旋律歌韻和已化身千風 的慈母身影...我無需感傷,我僅滿心感恩來感懷千風撫面宛如慈母隔海萬哩也情萬縷的永遠慈母愛....願天下子女能多珍惜與白髮父母的倒數歲月時光....相信母親就像大地 孕育滋潤我們,當兒女知恩感恩惜恩,大地是以生生不息來回報,母親的愛更永不止息。就像人類與環境的永續共存。

    I once had a dream about mother of nature leaning on a birch tree spread like a bed. The birch tree had faded leaves, which became white clouds floating like a dream in the breeze. Mother of nature left her vibrant dress of colors lying spread far across our fertile fields. Her dress is far longer and fairer than any dress known to man. All over our land, her dress grew with a variety of flowers and leaves
    When I am waiting patiently for a moment of art to capture, no matter where, I am always using my Ipad to sketch my dream. I used the mother of nature scene and made it real in my vision. I created my own Birch tree trunk to look like a bed for her to rest. She is my inspiration. The roots of the birch tree are the base of the reclining bed she rests on. I can always enjoy this beauty in solitude, gazing at the stars within a green field. I sleep in the caressing hands of dear mother of nature.
    I feel my mother is like a tree, always there. I have a connection with the trees. I enjoy watching through the windows to see the Kazula, Weeping Cherry and the Birch willow hiding behind heart shaded leaves. I always remember my gray haired mother singing her heart warming Japanese song, "The Song of a Thousand Winds." She now soars with the sun-warmed winds while singing to me. I have so much to give thanks for and I am always appreciative that my mother is always there.
    I also believe that mother is like the great land.She nurtures us.When children know how to appreciate mother's love,land will be forever green,mother's love will forever lasting.I hope this scupture will inspire the harmony between man and land.